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1.A shading
1.B chicken scratch sketches
1.C three color painting
1.D finish the face
1.E basic memory drawing
2.A 3D shading: the sphere
2.B 3D shading: cube, cylinder, and cone
2.C contour drawing and memory
2.D blind contour drawing
2.E negative space
2.F sketching using basic shapes and volume
2.G vertical stroke sketch
2.H monochromatic color
2.I triad color
2.J analogous color
2.K complimentary color
2.L neutral color
2.M accented neutral color
2.N muted triad color
2.O mother color
3.A facial proportions, front
3.B facial proportions, profile
3.C the 3D face: volume and planes
3.D the eye
3.E the mouth
3.F the nose
3.G the ear
3.H shading warped planes in space
3.I copy a photograph
3.J composition and design: seven lines
3.K one point perspective
3.L two point perspective
3.M three point perspective
4.A atmospheric perspective
4.B fantasy landscape
4.C drawing the dummy
4.D repeated shapes
4.E elongated figures
4.F relative color
4.G mixing color
5.A cast drawing
5.B proportions and gesture of the figure, front
5.C proportions and gesture of the figure, profile
5.D the figure: basic shapes and volume
5.E drawing the torso
5.F preparing a painting surface
5.G basics of oil painting
5.H cast painting
5.I composition: focal points and emphasis
5.J composition: repeated color
5.K composition: eye movement
5.L still life painting
6.A plein air landscape
6.B drawing the arm
6.C drawing the leg
6.D drawing the hand
6.E drawing the foot
6.F five minute figure line drawings
6.G x-ray figures
6.H drawing the figure from life: gesture drawings
6.I drawing the figure from life: charcoal and lead
6.J drawing the figure from life: ink
6.K drawing the figure from life: toned paper and prismacolor
6.L drawing the figure from life: lead and watercolor
6.M drawing the figure from life: transfer drawing
6.N beginning a portrait with a drawing
6.O direct portrait painting
6.P translucency vs opacity in portrait painting
6.Q paint a self portrait
7.A composing the figure from imagination
7.B square, golden section, and rule of thirds
7.C composing with overlayed eye paths
7.D composing with value sketches
7.E using photography as reference
7.F painting an interior
7.G painting the figure from life: one hour study
7.H painting the figure from life: twenty hour study
7.I the color sketch
7.J blocking out an historical painting
7.K beginning an historical painting
7.L finishing an historical painting
8.A loosening up
8.B beginning an art career: production
8.C beginning an art career: promotion
8.D web design for artists
8.E business organization tips for artists
8.F pushing the boundaries
Classes will be held in my Woodland Hills, UT studio. Download an image of the full schedule here.

Aug6-Aug9 MTWTH 9-11am + lecture/art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $100, supplies included
In this class we will: 1. Discuss the principles and elements of art. 2. Practice drawing from observation. 3. Discuss basic human proportions. 4. Experiment with basic color schemes. 5. Learn about paint application. 6. Have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th.
Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Class size is limited to ten students. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded.

July31-Aug3 TWTHF 10pm-2pm + art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $285 not including art supplies
One of art's greatest challenges is figure drawing. For artists who make work depicting people, figure drawing skills are a necessity. In this class we will work from a model in a leotard or two piece (or bike shorts for males) and: 1. Practice drawing gestures to quickly capture the essence and movement of the figure. 2. Quickly see and depict shadow shapes. 3. Draw on toned paper with an emphasis on contour, value and shape accuracy, expression of marks, and manipulation of edges. 4. Learn about proportion and basic anatomy. (Homework assignments will be given before class.) 5. Make an oil painting with a figure in a composed setting. 6. Have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th. Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded. Class size is limited to ten students. This class is for teens and adults who have taken at least one painting or drawing class before. We will 1. Use a medium of your choice to create a portrait. 2. Work from a live model. 3. Practice creating soft and hard edges, accurately representing shapes, and emphasizing temperature shifts. 4. Have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th. Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded. Class size is limited to ten students. In this class we will find a painting site each session and paint the living, breathing landscape. We will: 1. Learn to quickly capture shapes, light and shadow with oil paint. 2. Simplify the landscape into strong designs. 3. Concentrate on painterly edges, the light effect, shape relationships, and rhythm. 4. Have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th. Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded. Class size is limited to fifteen students. Click above for the 5-8pm Workshop, No Preliminary Afternoon Instruction Beginners--Click above for both the 3:30-5pm Preliminary Instruction and the 5-8pm Workshop
In this class we will: 1. Have fun. 2. Combine multiple materials to make a mixed media painting. 3. Combine materials and text to design an art journal. 4. We'll also have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th. Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded. Class size is limited to ten students. In this class we will: 1. Discuss tools and materials, texture, values and light
2. We will learn simplified plains of the face and how to apply imagined anatomy to head neck and shoulder girdle.
3. We will focus on rendering individual features of the face and discuss capturing a likeness. 4. Have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th. Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded. Class size is limited to ten students. Depicting Jesus Christ presents a particular artistic challenge. Our approach for this class will be to copy a master painting and make a second painting of our own, borrowing from the master copy. We will: 1. Create an acrylic underpainting. 2. Paint into oil glazes over the acrylic. 3. Focus on values and temperatures. 4. Work toward attaining a fluid picture plane. 6. We'll also have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th. Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded. Class size is limited to ten students. In this class we will: 1. Choose three favorite artists. 2. Borrow and combine elements from work by those artists to create new original compositions. 3. Develop at least one of the compositions as far as possible. 4. Verbalize the ideas and reasons for aesthetic choices in these compositions. 5. Develop a unique artist statement and personal art goals. 6. We'll also have the opportunity to participate in the guest lecture and art show on August 11th. Once tuition is paid, your spot will be reserved in the class. Tuition is refundable through June 10th. After June 10th, tuition will not be refunded. Class size is limited to ten students.
July30 MON 9am-5pm + Optional Glaze and Finish Session FRI Aug10 12-4pm + lecture/art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $175 not including supplies
Jul31-Aug2 TWTH 5-8pm (Additional Beginner's Instruction TWTH 3:30-5pm) + Optional Glaze and Finish Session Fri Aug 10 12-4pm + lecture/art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $200 for the 5-8pm sessions, not including supplies or Preliminary Beginner's Instruction. Extra $70 ($270 total) for students who would like to participate in the additional beginners instruction from 3:30-5, not including supplies.
Aug10-Aug11 Fri 4-7pm and Sat 12-6pm + lecture/art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $180 not including supplies
Aug6-Aug9 MTWTH 5-9pm + lecture/art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $285 not including supplies
Aug4 SAT 9am-5pm + Optional Glaze and Finish Session Aug 10 FRI 12-4pm + lecture/art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $175 not including supplies
Aug6-9 MTWTH 12-4pm + Optional Glaze and Finish Session Aug 10 FRI 12-4pm + lecture/art show Aug11 6-8pm
Cost: $285 not including supplies